
From Long-Form to Short-Form
No scripting | No planning | No recording
All Automatic

Long-form to Short-form

How It Works.

Our software pulls your catalog of long-form content.
Software finds key moments and speeds up the editing process of converting it to short-form VERTICAL videos.

Hands Off.

Your short-form content is posted automatically for you.

  • Instagram Reels

  • YouTube Shorts

  • TikTok Video

  • Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook


Capture key moments into short-form to promote livestreams on all platforms


Professionally edited videos converted to short-form for a wider audience

Talks / Stage

Long lectures / presentations Highlights converted into viral short-form clips

watermark photo

No Watermarks.

Cross-posting to all platforms using software avoids platform watermarks. Every clip feels native to each social platform.

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Let's Talk

Book a free call with us to get started.

Teff Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.